Warm up- jump rope one minute at easy pace, then do 20 slow pike pushups modified one step down from what you are going to do for the workout. Jump rope for one more minute. This is also your time to choose your modifications. Movement and modifications list HERE! Also if you are a pro jump roper it would be a great idea to advance your jump rope movement and do double jump ropes! That is a goal everyone can achieve if you work at it!
5 rounds of for time
10 pike pushups
1 min of fast jump rope
Rest 2 minutes THEN:
5 rounds for time
20 v-ups
1 min fast jump rope
THEN practice DOUBLE jump ropes ;)
HINT: for the Pike push ups (choose a challenging modification, your repetitions should not be fast. You should not be able to do all 10 in a row easily)
- if by the end your shoulders aren't ACHING, your modification was too easy, this is a shoulder burner!!
TIP: as you come up you want to push your face through the space between your elbows
HINT: v ups you will get the most benefit by trying to string them together. Also the more of a contraction you get on top will produce the greatest results!! Challenge yourself in your choice of modifications.
SCORE- your score is your time for each workout and then the lowest # you achieved on your jump ropes. Go hard the first round of jump ropes. Then you can try and stay within 10 of that #.
example: 10:35 100 and 8:55 80- pike pushups from window ledge and full v ups.
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