Friday, January 2, 2015

Movement How To's!

These are the movements we us in Fit Home Rivalry

Listed after the movement is either how to complete a full repetition for your scoring and/or options for modifying the movement to fit your skill level. 

The point is to create measurable workouts so you can track your improvement!!

* See the stars for how to videos and tips for correct form!

Jump Rope
-one leg
Burpees  *
-pushup burpee (true pushup when you get to the floor)
-burpee no pushup (do this if not designated)
-burpee from chair or couch arm (easiest modification) *
Pushups-  * 
- narrow
- traditional
- knees
- wall (leaning on a wall or banister)
Pushup Bridge in/outs
-in a pushup bridge jump feet to hands then back to extended *
Sit ups
-elbows past center of knees, shoulders to ground
-touch your knees with outstretched hands
Hollow Rocks *
Doorway Rows- *
Body weight squat *
-full squat
-half squat
-quarter squat
----- for each variation keep you weight on your heel, knees pointed slightly out, about shoulder width apart
Squat jump
-just get off the ground after squat
Lunges *
Wall balls *
-use pillow, basketball, whatever
Bench dips *
Good mornings *
-don't worry about going so low, keep your back straight and core tight
Plank *
-hips tucked, body straight, pushup through your shoulder blades
Up and down plank *
-one arm then the other is one full repetition
Side planks *
Mountain Climbers *
-eventually try to touch your elbows
Supermans *
-contract muscles tight at top, keep neck neutral
Pike Pushups *
-you can also do this on your knees, Just try to get as vertical as possible with each variation
V- UPs *
try to get your toes!! if not...aim for the knees or shins
- modified would be a double crunch (lift knees to your elbows as you crunch) then extend your legs and touch your toes or shins. Don't worry about being fast

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