Friday, December 31, 2021

Rivalry Challenge 2022!


The Rivalry Challenge is back! 6 weeks, 5 challenges and 5 personal victories! Rise to the Challenge and prove your victory!

 Prove your own fitness victory as you test and re-test 5 measurable Challenges over the course of 6 weeks. Each week also provides 4 days of challenge prep and training to build strength and proficiency in each challenge to prepare you for victory! Proven victory is shown in cutting your time in each challenge!

The 2022 Rivalry Challenge is designed around 6 basic foundational movement patterns. Guides you to strengthen and improve them, THEN proves it! 

This year the program takes place in an awesome app (free with program). So easy! 

• Guided workouts

• Workout checklists

• Timers

• Demo videos

• Movement tips

 • Motivation 

• Certified Pain-free Performance Coach, Me!

• In App Coach Messenger for easy questions and support

 Additional 30 min Virtual Coaching sessions available at per/session cost

 ALSO! Each Challenge and Training Day can be modified* to fit an individual’s personal abilities for a completely personalized VICTORY!

Program overview

  • Week 1: Rise to the Challenge! Complete one Challenge each day this week.
  • Week 2 Full week of victory prep and training!
  • Week 3-6 Proof begins. Re-face each challenge one by one as you claim 1 victory weekly. These weeks also contain continued preparation for the greater Challenges that come in the later weeks.

Join the Challenge! Prove your victory!

So… how to join in the fun! 

Simply Join the App  ------Rivalrychallenge ------- or Venmo me $20 with your email in the private note or get me your email individually and i will get you the program invite for sign up!! Come ready to get stronger and see the PROOF of your personal victory!

Once you’re ready to go I recommend buying a set of 4 or more resistance bands. Here’s my recommendation. More options are better for more customization.

 Do NOT use old bands with any signs of wear and tear. 

Let's do this! Prove your victory in 2022!!

Sunday, October 24, 2021



Hey guys! I’m so glad you are here to check this event out! Like serious…i think this is going to be so great! Such great timing to prepare for Thanksgiving and celebrate one of the things we are most grateful for, a healthy body capable and ever changing! 

Yay for a new challenge!  Here are the basics…

We are going to be running (or walk/running) a virtual 5k TOGETHER!! (if you are a bit shy you can sign up in the app under any name you want) don’t let that stop you! 

So fun right? For sure invite friends and family, I highly recommend it that always ups the fun factor All ages can participate! Kids too. so easy! 

This entire thing will take place in a free app where you will sign up and join the challenge. The app will track your run and even talk to you during the race, you can turn it off if you want tho. It will tell you your mile splits and even who is close to you so you feel motivated to keep up or pass them! 


WHAT: 5k run and a 5k walk/run (for those who think they will do more walking than running) Note: two different sign ups will be available!!

Run sign up

Walk/run sign up

TIME:  anytime the week of Thankgiving. (Nov 22-25) but all stats will be kept LIVE in the app! (So cool)

WHERE: In the free app (link sent to your email when you sign up) but you can run physically anywhere on the EARTH!!

WHAT: To run you will need a smart phone, Fitbit, Garmin or Apple Watch! A few more you can find in the app. 

PRIZES: I would like to make this more fun by adding prizes! Thus the cost of the 5k will be $10

-  Prizes will be awarded to M/F winner of each group…but mostly just fun and random ones!! 

COST: $10 per adult. Via PayPal or Venmo. 

KIDS: If there’s a lot of interest in a kids race i can totally make one! I’ll make a 3k  It’ll be free and prizes will be awarded… by their parents ;) To run They just need an email and an adult in their family who has signed up for another race. They will also need to borrow or have a smart phone for their actual run. (Can be parents phone if running at separate times)

TRAINING: If you want a 5 week training plan i can get you a CUSTOMIZED plan! This will prepare you and get you in great condition to do your best! 2 running days and one core/ lower body functional pattern day. Cost is $10!

I am so excited! This will be pretty amazing! All that’s left to do is sign up for the 5k! Head over to the link, sign up, share and challenge a friend!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Round 2 Week 3:3

Warm up by doing each of the movements 20x and 20 squats

Workout: For this workout Try to pick a modification that you can do 8-10 reps without rest in the beginning (toward the end you may only be doing reps of 1-5 and that is OKAY! In fact that's how it should be). Anymore than that and you will not be challenging yourself enough.

Couch bridges can be done single or double leg (if you do both legs at once you have to do twice as many reps (50))

Also an accumulated wall sit means that you have to be sitting against the wall for a total of one minute. If you sit for 20 seconds then rest for 10 that is only 20 seconds that count. You'll have to sit for a total of  40 more seconds to move on to the next movement.

score = time

1 min wall sit (accumulated)
25 Single leg Couch bridges (each leg)
50 Sit Ups
1 min wall sit (accumulated)
50 Push ups
1 min wall sit
25 Single leg Couch bridges (each leg)
50 sit ups
1 min wall sit (accumulated)

Have fun! Work hard! Get stronger!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Round 2 Week 3 workout 1!

Warm up: 2 rounds of 10 reps each movement, slow and easy
Check the How To's page for movement questions

I call this the… BURPEE Remix! My hubby said, "why?… there are no burpees"… So if you can figure it out you = smartness ;)

5 rounds:
      30 seconds pushups
      30 seconds pushup bridge in/outs *
      30 seconds squats
      rest 30 seconds
THEN rest 2 minutes
1 minute of Burpees
TIP: go all out in those 30 seconds don't even think about that one minute of burpees!

Your score is your lowest # completed of each movement
Ex: 15, 20, 20- 25!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2015 Round 2 2:3

Warm up: 2 rounds of 10 reps each movement

Tabata Time!

Tabata means 20 seconds of all out work followed by 10 seconds rest. Generally you do 8 rounds which is 4 minutes total! In this workout we'll be doing Tabata 4 times with 8 movements (alternating between 2 each time) = (16 minutes)

  Tabata Mountain Climbers/ Doorway rows (squeeze 1 sec on top!)
  Tabata Squat/jump rope
  Tabata Situps/superman planks
  Tabata Step back lunges/ hollow rocks

16 minutes to finish! Score is the lowest number achieved on each movement

if doorway rows hurt your wrists or forearms do super mans with your arms in a seven shape (hands near ears) lift your chest and legs off the ground first then arms. Your elbows and hands should stay at the same height as each other and then squeeze your upper back muscles together on top.

Monday, February 9, 2015

2015 Round 2 2:2

One of last years favorites! Shaky legs all day after this one! I thought it'd be fun to put it in this years for a fun comparison!

SET UP- put two things on the floor 10 feet apart- you'll be moving sideways back and forth between those two things. You can do it however you like just get from one point to the other. But you'll likely do what is called a shuffle. (it's not technical just move back and forth between the two objects) If you can't get low enough to touch your object on the floor just move all the way to it  and step by it with your foot. ( TAPE on the floor is good, it doesn't move)

 Warm up do 10 squats 50 jump ropes 10 line touches  (a line touch is there and back)

Workout  A (when finished with this one rest for 4 minutes and do part B) --- kind of hard to explain--- READ CAREFULLY----
   set your timer to beep on 30 second intervals-----every 30 seconds do ONE MORE line touch with a continuous clock (yes that was confusing so keep on reading)…..
EXAMPLE: first 30 seconds you'll shuffle down and back (since that probably took you 5 seconds you'll be waiting around/resting the rest of the 30 seconds,  blah blah (boring at first)…
2nd 30 seconds you'll shuffle down back. down back. You just added one more ( that is two line touches, you're only counting the far line)
third 30 seconds you'll shuffle down back . down back. down back…. three.  you just add one more line touch on top of what you did the last time. It's a continuous clock. You start your line touches every 30 seconds, if  you finish your line touches in 25 seconds you only have 5 seconds rest. Eventually you'll be resting almost not at all, you want to see how long you can go and still get all the line touches in. When you fail to get all the line touches in that you were supposed to for that round within that 30 seconds you're done with that portion of the workout.

*the lower you shuffle the better the workout will be!! Butt and Quads (thighs)!!
*go until failure! don't give up! You might get that next round!

When you're done with that rest for 4 minutes  ** GREAT JOB****!!!**** DON"T GIVE UP****
Here is workout B. Basically you're going to do the same thing again BUT you're doing squats instead… start with as many squats as line touches you got up to and add 2 for each interval…. example if you got up to 6 line touches you will start your 30 second interval with 6 squats. Your next interval you will do 8, then the next 10 etc….. until you are unable to complete all the squats required in  the round.    GET AFTER IT!!!! 

