Thursday, February 27, 2014

Crossfit Open meets FItHomeRivalry!

FitHomeRivarly Prize Challenge! I'm so excited to attempt my first cross fit open! I love to compete win or lose! (win is better ha) So for our own fitness fun I want to issue a challenge!

For INSTAGRAM Followers or regular posters of the blog we are going to compete in a challenge! ALL easy movements, must be completed as written and video'd in order to win (so take a video no matter what, i say! you never KNOW!!

Post your results then on Monday Evening I'll have the top 3 or so email me the link to a your tube link or your video on Facebook or something etc..., tag fithomerivalry if possible. No files will be opened via e-mail!

WORKOUT!  in 5 minutes complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP)

-100 jump ropes- if you land on the rope it doesn't count
-20 girl pushups - chest must touch the ground  elbows lock out on top
-5 burpees- chest must touch the ground and when you stand up your hips and knees must lock out. You DON'T need to do a pushup at the BOTTOM or jump on TOP!

* be sure to have the correct angles for your camera to show all of these!

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