Friday, December 27, 2013


-set aside 3 days that you do your workouts and keep a routine. setting a ROUTINE will really help you!

Here's how this is going to work! We've got three months, 12 workouts and it's going to be fun! Our goal is to be faster and stronger in month three than we were in month one. We'll keep track of all our workout results here (in the comments). Since we'll be working together to inspire each other and support each other we've got to let down our walls and let it be known that half of us can't do a single push up! (yeah I was there a few months ago and that's why this is so great!) It doesn't matter where we are, it matters where we're going!  Everyone involved is at a different level and that is AWESOME! Lets get started!
 Here is a list of exercise moves we'll be incorporating into our workouts, I've posted links so you can learn to do them correctly. 

Jump rope (you don't HAVE To have a rope, just pretend. But they are $4 at ross :)
Pushups (narrow, girl and reg)
Sit ups (elbows to knees, shoulders to ground)
Squat jump (just get off the ground when you come up from the squat)
Wall balls (with a pillow or basketball)
Good mornings     don't worry about going so low
Plank *
Up and down plank *
Side planks *
Mountain Climbers (eventually try to touch your                elbows)
Supermans  just contract mscles at top, don't hold
Pike Pushups  you can also do this on your knees, Just try to get as vertical as possible with each variation

In the months to come we will be posting our results to each of the workout we complete, be sure to be thorough in writing your score and any variations you needed to get through the workout. You'll need it to compare exactly how far you've come! Get your friends together once a week to do a workout, you always work harder when you're with people! 


hollynorth said...

Not sure how to use a blog yet, but hopefully I get this to run smoothly for all of us!

Lesley Harvey said...

Sounds fun!

Unknown said...

Lookin forward to it!

